Consolidated financial statements

Consoli­dated statement of changes in equity

in CHF thousand

Share capital

Capital reserves

Treasury shares


Retained earnings

Equity excluding minorities


Equity including minorities

As at 31.12.2018

12 000

14 975

– 84

– 61 736

440 333

405 488

1 656

407 144

Distribution to shareholders

– 10 798

– 10 798

– 123

– 10 921

Net result for current year

48 341

48 341


48 453

Treasury share purchases

– 1 358

– 1 358

– 1 358

Treasury share sales

– 3

1 397

1 394

1 394

Impact of currency translation

– 3 356

– 3 356

– 67

– 3 423

As at 31.12.2019

12 000

4 174

– 45

– 61 736

485 318

439 711

1 578

441 289

Distribution to shareholders


– 16

– 16

Purchases in minorities

– 1 285

– 1 285

– 315

– 1 600

Nominal value reduction

– 10 800


– 10 798

– 10 798

Net result for current year

46 901

46 901


46 963

Treasury share purchases

– 1 543

– 1 543

– 1 543

Treasury share sales

– 20

1 375

1 355

1 355

Share-based compensation

– 6




Impact of currency translation

– 3 805

– 3 805

– 158

– 3 963

As at 31.12.2020

1 200

4 150

– 27

– 63 021

528 414

470 716

1 151

471 867

The statutory reserves of the holding company and its subsidiaries amounted to CHF 24.0 million on 31 December 2020 (prior year: CHF 21.3 million). Of this amount, CHF 9.5 million (prior year: CHF 9.3 million) cannot be distributed.

The company held 376 treasury shares on 31 December 2020 (prior year: 572). For further details see Note 33.

As a result of the acquisitions of minority holdings, goodwill amounting to CHF 1.3 million was offset against equity in 2020 (prior year: CHF 0.0 million). See also Notes 15 and 28.